What Does ADHD Look Like in Adults

ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in children, but it’s not something that goes away. Children with ADHD will one day become adults with ADHD, and children who were never diagnosed will still struggle with ADHD in the future. This can have a huge impact on someone’s professional and private life, which is why being able to spot signs of ADHD is important.

Whether you think you’re the one struggling with this disorder or it’s someone you care about, you won’t be able to tell unless you know the signs. ADHD manifests differently in people, but there are still some common signs you can keep an eye out for.


Adults with ADHD are incredibly disorganized. You might have trouble keeping track of things or remembering where you left important documents. Your living or work areas are messes of paperwork and belongings in places they shouldn’t be.

But it’s not just about objects. You also have a hard time sticking to a routine. You can’t finish projects on time. More than that, you struggle when talking to others. You lose track of what you say as you speak. You don’t know how to organize your thoughts or how to put them into words, so it all comes out jumbled. Does this sound familiar?

Lack of Motivation

A lot of adults with ADHD struggle with what they believe is a lack of motivation. What this means is that you struggle to carry out any task, even the ones you actually want to do. A lot of times, you’ll feel overwhelmed because of all the things you want or have to do, but have no motivation for. And if you do, somehow, manage to start a task, it’s very likely you won’t be able to finish it. You won’t be able to stay focused until the end.

What you believe to be a lack of motivation is actually a problem with your brain’s executive function. This is a big sign of ADHD.

Racing Thoughts

ADHD is characterized by hyperactivity and restlessness, but it can show differently in adults than in children. Adults have grown to internalize a lot of things — hyperactivity might be one of them. Whereas a child with ADHD might fidget in their seat or get up and walk around when they shouldn’t, an adult with ADHD will deal with racing thoughts.

Your mind is full of thoughts at all hours of the day. Sometimes the thoughts could be an internal monologue that never ends. Or maybe your thoughts are anxious in nature and you find yourself feeling on edge all the time. No matter what your mind looks like, if it’s hyperactive and restless at all times, you might want to look into ADHD a little more.

Problems with Time Management

One of the biggest problems adult ADHD can bring is struggles with time management. Do you find yourself being late almost all the time? No matter what it is you’ve got to do, you’re always running late. It could be work, or a doctor’s appointment, or even a movie marathon at your friend’s place.

Are you able to tell how long ago something happened? If someone asks you when the last time you ate at a restaurant was, would you be able to give a precise answer, or would you say it was a while ago? If you struggle with perceiving the passage of time, you may be dealing with ADHD.

Addressing ADHD

If you believe you might be dealing with adult ADHD, then don’t hesitate to reach out for help. ADHD is complex and it shares a lot of signs with other mental health conditions, but a professional can help you figure out whether this is something you’re truly struggling with or if it’s something else. And that is the first step to improving your life, to make things a little easier for you.


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